Monday, April 27, 2015

Cash Bans Grow as Central Bankers Plan Centralized Future: Bitcoin to the Rescue?

(Evander Smart)  Paper currency, or cash, is a fairly recent man-made, really a bank made, concept. As I’ve covered previously, paper money is a convenience of a modern society, but many things have acted as money throughout history. Throughout most of history, outright bartering of goods and services was the way of the world. We’ve used feathers, gold, beads, “tally sticks”, coins, and now paper currency to transmit value from one person to another. And much like the newspaper has been replaced by the Internet version of your newspaper, paper money is getting sent to Evolution’s Scrap Yard, courtesy of your central banking system’s design on capital controls.

Looks like the cash concept is getting put on a blacklist

It is oh so easy to think of the eventual loss of physical currency as a sign of technological progress. Just a sign of the times and out advancement past this vestige of the past. This is true to some extent. Yet, I would argue cash has an almost intrinsic value that is actually necessary for modern society, now more than ever. How so? Well, you need to look at the bigger geopolitical world view to get an idea of what losing cash as an option means.
Before I do that, let me cover why the article needs to be written about cash and its impending demise in the first place. What is going on with cash? First, you need to have recognized a little thing called inflation, the increase of currency into circulation. If you are American, for example, your government loves to tell you that inflation is a mere 2% per year and often less than that. Doesn’t that sound lovely? They have this economy thing all under control, right? Perianne Boring wrote an excellent article for Forbes regarding what the real rate of inflation is versus the company line your government feeds you. More like 5%, and rising, is where it’s at, and that was a couple of years ago. If you have shopped for beef, or cars, or anything else the government takes out of their CPI measures, you know what I’m talking about. “Quantitative Easing” is another measure used by a government that has the net effect of increasing inflation, the actual money supply in an economy. The European Union has learned this trick from the United States, and they are in the process of debasing their currency with it as we speak. A lot of the inflation increase is due to economic pyramid schemes like Quantitative Easing. This has been going on for many years now, and taxpayers pay the bill while central bankers reap the rewards. It’s a good system, as long as you are a banker or in government, and aren’t a peasant.
Now, with an estimated 5% inflation per year and as your economic foundation, destroying the currency’s value on a daily basis, what if you wanted to phase out cash altogether? Many people do not know that in almost all modern civilizations, over 90% of all economic transfers are done digitally, not in common “cash” currency. You may spend $10-20 USD in cash on occasion, but your bank or your military sends one hundred million as a wire transfer. You are using debit cards, credit cards, Paypal, and new tools like Bitcoin and Apple Pay for the vast majority of your bill paying and daily purchases. So is cash just an outdated option, like the newspaper is for your search for news? Maybe it is time to retire cash?
One party that loves the idea, which should be a huge red flag, is your central banker. All of the sudden, besides the inflation and “Quantitative easing” killing dollar value from the inside, banks are working with regulators to make cashl less convenient to use. Creating an atmosphere where it will be phased out, banned by regulation. There are three recent attacks on cash that should tell you something is up.

Now that the Keynesian economists have tried and failed at stimulating the economy with 0% central banking interest rates, the European Union is phasing in negative interests rates. You may have noticed over the past several years you have received almost no interest on your money in the bank. Now, you can look forward to paying to keep your cash in a bank account, on top of monthly fees, transaction fees, ATM fees and other banking hustles you already endure.
Citigroup’s economic czar Willem Buiter has a plan that should help the situation, at least if you are a bank. If you are smart enough to hold onto your cash, and not fall prey to the bank’s games of charging you for bank deposits, this is bad for central banking. You may learn that you do not need them or are not beholden to them to live a full life. This realization may destabilize the economy as a whole, or at least their part in it. To prevent this, you can be punished in three new and exciting ways.
  • Tax Currency
  • Abolish Currency
  • Remove the fixed exchange rate between currency and central bank reserves
The details would only serve to confuse the issue, but the point is central banking cartels have an idea on how to begin to get cash banned or taxed. Saying central bankers have influence over economic policy and regulation is like saying the Block Chain has influence over the Bitcoin ecosystem. If the banking elite is beginning to throw around words like “abolish” or “ban” currency, you might want to start listening up. Economic regulations can make you either unable to get it or not want to deal with it due to regulation, inflation and taxation within a matter of months. The benefits of this, we’ll cover in a moment.

Cash is used by terrorists, so…..

Governments hide behind the word “terrorism” more than bitcoin exchanges hide behind the word “hacked“. If a government wants to do anything to their citizens, just say the word “terrorism”, and they can do anything, starting with taking away your freedoms. It’s a playbook well-used and highly effective, if highly deceptive, at a minimum.
French Finance Minister Michel Sapin looks to beta-test a ban on cash to fight terrorism. How brave of him! This is in response to the Charlie Hebdo office attack that killed 17 people in January, allegedly by Islam extremists, partially funded by cash. Still, many critics say “a false flag” to create policy, like 9/11 and Sandy Hook. The alleged attackers used cars, watches and shoes as well, but no ban was announced on their future use in France.
“It’s a terrorism that is low cost to carry out but has a major impact,” Sapin told a news conference. “This low-cost terrorism feeds on fraud, money laundering and petty trafficking,” said Michel Sapin at a recent press conference.
So in response, France will begin to over-regulate cash with the following measures, to stop “terrorism”:

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